Resetting the registers

Trying to learn to ski this winter.  This is an activity for young bodies.  Bodies which are low to the ground and elastic.  Not old, crispy bodies.  With integrated brains harboring some knowledge of physics.

Fortunately, i’ve regained some weight, and i bounce nicely.

It’s very enjoyable, though.  This is an activity that requires total concentration – and that degree of focus can drive anything else out of your brain.  Concentrate on your path down the slope in front of you… when and where to turn, anticipating the movements of the skiers ahead.  And wondering why the fuck there is a tree in the middle of the upper part of that particular run…

Mostly, what i’ve noticed, is a change in my point of view when it comes to winter.  Last year at this time, i was anxiously counting the remaining weeks until i could get the bicycle out and resume my regular rides.

Now?  i’m looking at the calendar and counting the number of ski weekends left.

Amazing what a fresh point of view can do for you, isn’t it?